Wednesday, November 23

Everyone a Priest

I was really stirred by a teaching by Paul Kaak recently: What does it mean that Scripture says all believers are priests?

Kaak breaks the role of a priest down into 4 functions:
1. Intercede for the people
2. Image God to the people
3. Instruct the people about God
4. Impart blessing to the people

How can you be a priest as a police officer, accountant, nurse, office manager, or computer programmer?
He says we begin by praying for the people around us. Then we ask God how we can demonstrate his presence and character where we are. Of course, as people ask questions and are curious, we clarify with our words (as Francis of Assisi said, "Proclaim the Gospel at all times. Use words when necessary.") why we are the way we are.

Finally, we continually ask God how we can be a blessing and bring blessing to those around us. Paul told the story of a police officer who asked this question and began incorporating Kingdom principles in his trainees, and of a woman who began challenging her coworkers on their gossip and critical talk behind others' backs. The wisdom of the Kingdom began to transform their workplaces, and eventually people asked, "How did you become so wise?"

To me that's exciting--the practical blessing of structural transformation as those in an office or department gain the benefit of Jesus' teachings even before they meet him!

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